Frequently asked Questions about Apprentice F1 Jobs

Where can I find an apprenticeship in formula 1?

Use our quick and easy search function to find an apprenticeship in Formula 1 then register to become an apprentice.

Do I have to have previous experience to start an F1 apprenticeship?

No. The best thing about the Intermediate Apprenticeship route is they offer new entrants the opportunity to be able to learn on the job with no prior experience.

From the start you would not be designing any new aerodynamic components for a formula 1 car but you will start to gain the training and knowledge required in your chosen field to be able to develop a lasting career in F1.

Who are the best F1 teams to work for?

There is no best F1 team to work, unless you include the constructors champions as the best, all F1 Teams are just as important as each other when it comes to you selecting your career options, but also location has a critical part to play also.

Red Bull Racing for instance are based in Milton Keynes and have great facilities for learners and Williams F1 are based in Oxfordshire.

How much do F1 Apprentices earn?

The pay for apprentices in Formula 1 varies from one F1 Team to another. The minimum pay requirement is £4.15 per hour, however the average pay for apprentice across all industries ranges between £15,000 - £20,000 per year.

Can I do a racing driver apprenticeship?

As far as we are aware there is currently no apprenticeship available to become a formula 1 racing driver.

How long do F1 apprenticeships take to complete?

Apprenticeships take between 12 month to 4 years which is dependant on the level of apprenticeship and subject you are studying. By rule of thumb the lower the level of apprenticeship the quicker it takes to complete, some Intermediate Apprenticeships start at twelve months and some are 18 months for instance.

Visit our dedicated information page to find out more about F1 Apprenticeships

FAQs about F1 Apprenticeships
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